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Shooting Gallery

Project Information:


Platform: PC


Engine Used: Unreal Engine 2.27


Duration: 2 Weeks

Team Size: 4


Role: Level Designer

Project Overview:

For this project, each team member is given a level template to modify as an individual. After 1 week, we playtested each other levels and give feedback. Below is an image and video walkthrough of the level.

Level template deaign
Break down the level into 2 categories. Gameplay elements that work and those which don't. Highlighting and giving reasons as to why it works or didn't. 
Generate ideas to fix the identified issues by researching other similar games/products. In this case, most of my idea stems from the Call of Duty Series.
I split the level into smaller sections and tagged what game elements will be placed in each section. I also planned out an intensive curve so there is a gradual increase in difficulty while providing short moments of breaks in between high intensity sections.
I start placing elements into each section while loosely following the planned layout to allow flexibility in creativity.
Recording playtest feedback and questioning playtester allows me to quickly identify what is lacking with my current level design. I would also take note of how many playtesters pointed out an issue to gauge priority in the next iteration cycle 
Finished Shooting Gallery Demo
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